An iPad displaying a KOL data dashboard

Case Study: Digital Opinion Leader (DOL) Map – Finding the right online thought leaders


As HCPs increasingly engage in online medical events and activities, pharmaceutical companies must nurture relationships with the online thought leaders these HCPs turn to for expertise. Having recently acquired an existing brand, our client didn’t know the therapeutic landscape or the established opinion leaders. Millions of relevant discussions were taking place across social media platforms—and they weren’t even in the conversation.


Our client needed to assess the digital landscape, identify the most impactful Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs), then establish an engagement plan for building relationships with these important experts. There was no time to waste.


Our proprietary DOL Map platform allowed our client to truly understand which experts were making the biggest impact in online discussions related to their brand—and why. The platform monitors discussions in real time across social channels and analyzes the reach, relevance, and impact of each online thought leader. To aid in engagement planning, DOL Map automatically segments each expert into categories such as “Content Creator,” “Conference-focused,” and “Networker.”


Our client has been able to effectively engage the DOLs who sway the opinions of the HCPs that matter to their brand. Using the platform, the team has captured more than 150,000 relevant online discussions involving the top 100 DOLs over the past 5 years. The resulting insights are helping them achieve true scientific leadership in their field.

For more information on KOL Data Solutions click here

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The Precision Value & Health family of brands is now Precision AQ

Precision AQ helps life sciences companies navigate the complexities of commercialization across a product’s lifecycle. Our team is comprised of experts, advisors, and creators working to ensure patients have access to life-changing medicines.

Our global offerings include:

  • Commercialization research, strategy and product planning
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  • Advertising, Branding & PR
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  • Investor relations and external communications
  • Learning & development
  • Data and product solutions (Access Genius, Navigator365, OncoGenius, EHR Solutions, KOL/DOL Map)

Our name, which stands for Precision Access Quotient, reflects our approach to removing barriers – fusing together science (IQ, or Intelligence Quotient) and empathy (EQ, or Emotional Quotient). The result is “AQ: Access Quotient”, a critical ingredient in navigating the therapy-to-patient journey informed by data-driven analytics and insights.

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